St. Cyrikus and St. Julita Monastery

Monastery "St. Cyricus and St. Julita" near the Village of Gorni Voden. Here Dr. Svetoslav Ribolov held a meeting with the nuns and received an assurance from the abbess, nun Philotheia, that the sisters would cooperate with the project. The monastery "St. Cyric and St. Julita” was founded probably in the 14th century, on the site of the current Ayazmo. It was destroyed in the 17th century, but towards the end of the century it was rebuilt in its current location under the name "St. Paraskevi". Later, the old monastery was also restored. In 1810, the two monasteries were burned down by the Kardjalians, and in 1816 the restoration of the current monastery began, which ended in 1835. Until 1930, the monastery remained the property of the Ecumenical Patriarchate with Greek monks. The monastery suffered serious damage in a fire in 1924 and in the Chirpan earthquake in 1928. In the 20s and 30s of the 20th century, a theological school functioned in the monastery. In the period 1943-1944, it was turned into a concentration camp. It was subsequently handed over as a rest base to the architects and remained so until 2 decades ago. It is currently used by the Plovdiv Metropolis.

Jun 2023