Digital Recording and Documentation of Ecclesiastical Cultural Treasures in Monasteries and Temples

Welcome to Narrate!

An Erasmus+ Project.

The main project result expected by this project is the preservation, presentation, and promotion of world-heritage ecclesiastical cultural treasures that will deepen understanding of their significance to a wide audience across borders, and foster intercultural and interreligious communication. Moreover, digital literacy and the use of the means new technologies offer for safeguarding and sharing Cultural Heritage in engaging ways will be enhanced both with regard to stakeholders and the audiences addressed.

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Latest News & Events

Online Educational Seminar on "Documentation of Ecclesiastical Treasures"
The School of Social Theology and Christian Culture of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki is organizing the Online Educational Seminar on "Documentation of Ecclesiastical Treasures", which will take place on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, at 7:00 PM (GMT+3) ...
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Participation of KMKD in Heritage Istanbul 2024
The Association for the Protection of Cultural Heritage (KMKD) recently participated in Heritage Istanbul, held from May 15-17, 2024, where we had the opportunity to present our NARRATE project ...
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International Conference on the Documentation of Ecclesiastical Cultural Heritage
The NARRATE team organized the International Conference on the Documentation of Ecclesiastical Cultural Heritage, between March 11-13, 2024. The conference was be hosted by Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bulgaria ...
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