Holy Dormition of God’s Mother Church

Holy Dormition of God’s Mother Church (also called also Messihora) in a church with an ancient history. It has its current form since the beginning of the 19th century. There is an inscription on the frescoes: "This temple was painted by Christo Zographos Sotiroff in 1822." The impressive temple is from 1821, it was made by masters from Metsovo in Epeiros. On the middle royal doors, lion is standing with a scepter in its paw. There are also double-headed eagles, as well as many, complex and rich ornaments, including various biblical and life motifs. Part of the carving of the iconostasis is gilded. The icons from the iconostasis were painted by Hristo Dimitrov from Samokov and his sons Dimitar and Zaharios Zographos. The bell tower of the temple is from 1877, richly painted. Below it is a small chapel - a baptistery.

Jun 2023